Lunes, Hulyo 4, 2011

Still experimenting.

Since I am not working at the moment, I've been reading this book called 'Focus' by Leo Babauta. You can view this online:

This helps me a lot in finding what I really want. Since I am having a great vacation off from work, it gives me a lot of time to re-think, experiment and do something that will make my life more interesting. Wherever I go, I have this small notepad with me where I can write anything I want, something I just discovered, or something that I am good at. Maybe when the end of my vacation comes, I will read at this mini notepad and give me all the answers that I've been looking for. Well, I don't even know what I am searching for. Really.

Anyway, what I am eyeing for now is to live totally outside the metro. No buildings, no pollution, no crowded place. Just me and my compass to the green side. Be one with nature. I am just saving up more moolah for my plane fare, accommodation and food. Don't know where yet, but I'm eyeing for Siargao, Pagudpud or Guimaras.

Anyway, hopefully I'll get more and more freelance work and swimming students so I'll be able to live for atleast 3 months in the island.

So for now, work work work(freelance)!

Miyerkules, Hunyo 22, 2011

Bummer for real.

Okay, so I'm a bum for the second time in my 26 years. It's fun! I quit my office job and I've never felt this fulfilled. No need to drive to Makati every rush hour. No need to work on the same account every single day. No need to layout and re-layout facebook tabs everyday. This is such a freedom for me.

Right now, I own a swimming school. Somehow, it helps me survive monthly.
Thank God for my students! Swimming will always be my savior.

The only thing that bothers me are my parents. They don't know that I don't have a full time job anymore. Well, the less they know, the better. But my routine sucks! I have to live the house in the morning and go home at night. Coffeebean, Starbucks and swimming pool are my new office now. :)

Anyway, hibernating from this crazy world is so rare. This can only happen once (or maybe more than once for others), so better make the most out of it. It's time to doodle again and create something wonderful. Game! Best bum days are yet to come! \m/

Sabado, Hunyo 18, 2011

Just Breathe.

Breathing can transform your life.
If you feel stressed out and overwhelmed, breathe. It will calm you and release the tensions.
If you are worried about something coming up, or caught up in something that already happened, breathe. It will bring you back to the present.
If you are discouraged and have forgotten your purpose in life, breathe. It will remind you about how precious life is, and that each breath in this life is a gift you need to appreciate. Make the most of this gift.
If you have too many tasks to do, or are scattered during your workday, breathe. It will help bring you into focus, to concentrate on the most important task you need to be focusing on right now.
If you are spending time with someone you love, breathe. It will allow you to be present with that person, rather than thinking about work or other things you need to do.
If you are exercising, breathe. It will help you enjoy the exercise, and therefore stick with it for longer.
If you are moving too fast, breathe. It will remind you to slow down, and enjoy life more.
So breathe. And enjoy each moment of this life. They’re too fleeting and few to waste.

Miyerkules, Abril 6, 2011

Me and my job.

Okay, so this is all about me and my job. Don't think that I'm full of oneself. Anti-narcissism. It's not lengthy. I promise. I hate that too...
So yeah, here it is....
1. I want to thank Paulo Coehlo for writing The Alchemist. You made me realize that I should screw my first course. And I did! I shifted toMultimedia Arts. I'm still wondering why do we have defend our OJT works. 

2. My parents sent me to Dubai three months after my graduation. They didn't even gave me a chance to rest. Three months aint enough. I should have a one year interval before I land on my first job. Anyway,Leo Burnett Dubai hired me as an art director. It was cool. I handled Chevrolet for almost 3 years,and other accounts likeEmirates, Dnata and Oasis. 

3. During my LB days, I have designed and directed everything from packaging and identities to advertising campaigns and digital experiences. I am more creative when my AE points a gun in my head and force me to finish the brief asap. Pressure is an easy deal. Like squeezing an orange. When you squeeze it softly, not enough juice is pouring out. But when you squeeze it tightly, natural juices are running. -- this is not all the time. ok?

4. I know that not all work is good. There are ups and downs. Ideas - the most amazing thing in the world. Sometimes it'll fail. So what. Its okay to fail. Failure is fantastic. You get to learn from it.

5. I moved to Singapore then back to Manila. I want to explore, trying to see what else is out there for me. I love to learn. Well, who doesn't? I love to surround myself with people who are brilliant and extraordinary. They make me think differently. Its very inspiring. You get to learn from everything. But you just have to contribute and make them learn from you as well.... just so its equal. 

6. I have a dream of going to Cannes. I have a dream of creating something different. I have a dream....and I'm gonna make it happen. 

Told yeah its not long. Anyway, you can find me elsewhere online:

Axe Philippines

I did a lot of stuff for Axe Philippines.

Landing Page

Promo Pages


Lonely Groupies

Gif Maker

Coke Website - Pitch

Listerine Website

Listerine pitch.

Rexona Teens Website

A Pitch for Rexona Teens.

Globe Telecom Sites

Some Globe Telecom websites. 

Gcash Remit

Glove Deviantart

Plan Zero

Promil Website

This a pitch for Promil Philippines.

Coke Zero

A brief was given to us by Coke. We have to create something for the upcoming Chinese New Year. I created a robotic coke bottle with some CNY elements.

Holy Grail

My Holy Grail -- working for yourself.


I missed Manila!


The image says it all.

CHEVROLET Totally Street - Aveo 5

PROBLEM: As part of small car division, Chevrolet Aveo5 scored low on sales. They think that it lacks character and personality, plus they think that it doesn’t connect at all with the audience.

The youth (18-25) - young graduates, university students, and young executives.

Youth is a stage of transition between their personal and professional life. They love to explore and do whatever they want. Trying to be liberal but disciplined at the same time. Hungry of what life can offer. They want to express and let their voice be heard. With all these aspects, it helps the youth to be street smart. Anywhere they go and whatever they want to do, they can all survive it.

Chevrolet wants to be part of it. They want to be familiar with their audience’s everyday life. They want them to be ‘totally street.” Their car (Aveo5) would be their medium to express their youth, speak their own language, convey their fresh ideas and show who they really are.

We provided a platform for the youth to express their creativity. We call it “Totally Street.” We injected this message from TV to online. We used grafitti as the symbol of the campaign. Treatment is fresh and techy. In the website, audience were given the opportunity to totally customize a car through design and make it their very own. The campaign also deployed for
first time in the U.A.E. sponsored news feeds appearing on the home pages of Facebook and supported a lifestyle search program on Google & a full fledged display campaign on major portals and relevant recruitment sites, following the life stage of the target audience.





All doodles again.


All doodles.


PROBLEM: Account executives, creatives, copywriters, and other agency people use memo pad and sticky notes a lot. We want to lessen the use of them to help save natural resources.

Leo Burnett People

INSIGHT: We want to help save the natural resources.

I created a very simple yet solid execution for this. Idea is ‘Natural resources are running out. Recycle.” We print the ad and place it in all the areas of the building and we will give them a memo pad and sticky notes with the tree and the message printed on it.
CREATIVE EXECUTION: Image-based. Just simple
 but solid execution.

Chevrolet Supporting KSA Football

PROBLEM: Chevrolet wants to show their support to the Saudi Football Team and wants to develop an ad conveying their message.

Saudi Football Team

In the middle east, Football is a very b
ig sport for them. Cheverolet is one of their major sponsor.

SOLUTION: Created a different execution for the print instead of using photos with incomplete members and no time for a photoshoot.

Did a very simple yet 
catchy print ad. All green and white. Just an icon of a football player with a touch of my graphic design skill.

Chevrolet The Gold Tag Event I-II

PROBLEM: During Ramadan, Muslims observe a religious tradition of fasting, one way is to sacrifice happiness on material things. Instead, they should focus in doing good deeds. And during this holy month, sales on cars and trucks are rare.
(Age:30-65) Families, Executives, Arabs, Foreigners.

Ramadan is a very religious time for Muslims. They do not eat and drink anything from dawn till sunset. They concentrate on being holy. Indulgence is their last thing in mind.

Chevrolet respects this ho
ly month and in order to be part of it, they made a campaign promotion that reflects Ramadan. We call it “The Gold Tag.” Vehicle prices are very low, payment schemes are very flexible. Couple of ways that doesn’t make the audience spend a lot money and doesn’t make them feel guilty since they observe fasting and sacrficing.
Everything is in Gold. We used a tag (crafted from the tag used by the military) as a symbol for all the mediums of the campaign.